Colours currently cultivated in our nursery
Traditional White & Yellow
Seemingly everyones favourite this amazing variety is generally the first frangipani owned by people in Sydney due to the prolific flowering, strong scent and historical significance throughout the Sydney region. A true family favourite through the years.
This variety grows up to 8m high but mostly is around 4m high throughout Sydney.
George Brown (Dwarf variety)
A beautiful variety with wonderful magenta to violet hues in the heat of summer. Flowers late summer through to Autumn.
Scent = lightly fruity
Height =1- 2 metres in non tropical areas
Darwin Blood Red
A stunning true dark red with lovely deep red petals. Flowers late summer through to Autumn.
Scent = faintly spicy (stronger when picked)
Height = 2-3 metres in non tropical areas
Cherry Clusters (Dwarf variety)
Stunning boquets of cherry pink florettes with a unique clustered appearance. Flowers early spring through summer. Also known as 100 Pink.
Scent = sweet
Height = Dwarf variety around 1.5 metres tall
North Qld Blue (Dwarf variety)
This gorgeous variety starts with a deep orange pink centre and has pale hues of lavender. Full colour effect is only seen in hot tropical conditions.
Scent = Sweet scent
Height = 1-2 metres tall in non tropical areas
Bowen Yellow
A beautiful yellow variety with lighter margins through to deep yellow centres
Scent = Peachy fragrance
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
Ashley Pink
This wonderful variety has soft pink flowers with well rounded petals.
Scent = Fragrant
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
Lulu (Dwarf variety)
A beautifully rounded white waxy petal with a gold centre sweeping off to outer swirls of cerise pink in hot conditions.
Scent = Sweet fragrant
Height = 1 - 2 metres in non tropical areas
Tequila Sunrise (Dwarf variety)
This wonderfully coloured variety has rich dark pink petals with gold blades and a gold centre
Scent = Fragrant
Height = 1 - 2 metres in non tropical areas
Snow White
Beautifully simplistic white with a small yellow centre. A delightful addition to any frangipani garden collection.
Scent = tba
Height = 1 - 2 metres in non tropical areas
Everlasting love (Plumeria Pudica)
A striking white flower with a small yellow centre (Also known as Bridal Boquet) this rust free variety grows upward and grows more like a clumping scrub.
It has unusual hammer head shaped leaves and is evergreen in warm areas. Not scented
Height = 2 metres in non tropical areas
Blood Sun (Dwarf variety)
A beautiful red flower with lovely orange yellow centre. Flowers summer through to Autumn.
Scent = faintly sweet
Height =1- 2 metres in non tropical areas
Pudica Pink (Dwarf variety)
This one has pale pink flowers and is a dwarf variety in non tropical areas. Stays evergreen when in warm areas.
Scent = none
Height = 1 metre in non tropical areas
Aussie Pink
This wonderful pink variety has enlongated petals of medium pink & light pink with yellow centres that fade to white. In hot weather the new flowers can be quite a darker shade of pink
Scent = Sweet
Height = 4 - 6 metres vigorous grower in Sydney
hot weather photo
Cotton Candy
A fragrant tri coloured variety that has beautiful pink yellow white hues with a candy striped finish underneath. also known as Sharna's rose
Scent = floral
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
An amazingly dark red flowering variety sporting dark leaves with red veining on the undersides.
Scent = Slight spicy
Height = 2- 3 metres in non tropical areas
Fire Dancer
A frangrant hot pink marvel that has pronounced leaf nodes. Also known as Rasberry Royal in WA
Scent = Coconut suntan lotion
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
Irma Bryan
This deep dark red variety flowers profusely when in a good spot. Very popular choice. Often mistaken for Darwin Blood red, Irma has a much heavier scent and flowers more often in Sydney and for longer than the Darwin Blood red.
Scent = Spicy
Height = 2 -3 metres in non tropical areas
Singapore White (Plumeria Obtusa)
With its amazing white flowers, strong fragrance and dark glossy paddle shaped rounded leaves it's a sight to behold. Tends to struggle if not in a warm year round position. Large trees fair better than smaller specimens.
Scent = Strong tones of sweet citrus
Height = 2 - 3 metres in non tropical areas
A truly beautiful variety with waxy petals that hold their shape well. A true tri-colour in every sense of the word and highly sought after.
Scent = Lily of the Valley
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
Fruit Salad
A fragrant tri coloured variety that has a strong yellow orange based palette which is much darker in hot weather.
Scent = Orange marmalade
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
St Johns Rainbow
Beautiful rainbow coloured petals that will delight any frangipani fancier. Good grower in Sydney
Scent = Sweet
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
Bunya Red
Flowers fade from pinky red to purple with age. Really pretty and a good addition to any collection. Good grower in Sydney
Scent = tropical
Height = 3 - 4 metres in non tropical areas
"Frangipani make great gifts"
We have a great variety of beautifully coloured frangipani plants which make wonderful gifts for the frangipani fancier of the family. You can even buy a frangipani plant in its own pot from our online store and have it delivered to your door. You can also send it to a friend's door as a present. Just add their name and address in the shipping information section.